The Rule of 2013

Everyone’s talking about their resolutions and such for the new year ahead.
I too have been down that road, but I’ve honestly never stayed true to many of them. I usually forget about them, or only half commit myself to them, which results in sub-par results.

So, I’ve decided to go into this with a different approach. I’ve made a ‘mantra’ for myself, a word of the year.


In 2013, I will be selfish.





I will go with every urgent gut instinct that kicks in and I’m going to follow my heart’s every desire. When I want to do something, I’ll do it; if it’s something (an idea, a concept, a goal) that will make me happy, I’ll jump on board. When decisions need to be made that affect anyone including myself, I will be at the top of the priority list.

I’m going to be more kind to myself, pay more attention to myself and my needs. I’m going to cater to my own self-confidence, personal happiness, and complete contentment. I’m going to enjoy being me.

In 2013, I will read more books, blog more happy thoughts, and expand my potential. I will make this city I live in my “home”, and spend less time grasping at the life I left behind. I plan on spending this year making pleasant memories, and I hope I can make it a year of a lot less sad, sorrow filled tears.

2013 is going to be my year and I’m going to do things my way. I’ve spent too much time as of late being concerned about what others think and say, trying much too hard to keep others pleased – which more often than not, leaves me in a worn out, miserable, stressed and less than satisfactory state.

I know this all might sound completely cliche and vague. It most likely sounds incredibly self-absorbed and I don’t really care. I haven’t set any definitive and time sensitive goals like “go skydiving” or “run a 10k marathon” or “successfully complete 30 burpees in 1 minute by March 3rd” – because that’s not what I want, and it’s not how I want to live my life. I will create a bucket list of many a thing I’d like to accomplish, but that’s not the point here; those small (or large) feats won’t be the drive of 2013.
My goal in this new year is to be more self-aware, feel good and love almost every single moment of my life.

2013 is about embracing myself and doing everything I personally can to be the best me, in my own eyes.








In 2013, I will be selfish.

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