Fresh Starts

I often say that I wish life had a rewind button, a pause button, and sometimes an undo button; every now and then, a fast forward button wouldn’t hurt either.

Unfortunately, those buttons don’t exist. Which, in reality, is probably a good thing. ‘Cause that’s what life’s all about right?! Those frustrating, unpredictable moments. The unforeseen curveballs and crazy circumstances we sometimes curse upon. Ya, it ain’t perfect… but someone once told me that it life wasn’t meant to be perfect. (I think they stole that from some incredibly wise person who’s since passed on, but was probably right when they quoted that.)

Speaking of which, life’s been a little insane lately. I’ve been up, I’ve hit rock bottom, I’ve been through the wringer and hung out to dry. After all of that, I’m still here and I’ve decided to start fresh!

You may know me from previous blog posts at While there’s nothing wrong the author behind those posts, I feel that the content of that site continuously reminds me of an uncomfortable place in my life.

On March 24, 2011, I made this big decision to pack up the life I’d always known and start my career. I put myself in an unfamiliar setting without any idea of how much that one decision would completely change my life. March 2011 until October 2012 were some of the most interesting months of my life. They were completely imperfect and full of unexpected changes; my life was a consistent chaos of good, bad, horrible and fascinating experiences. I would never trade those 19 months for anything, but I’ll be completely honest and say they weren’t easy. Those were some of the hardest times of my entire life, challenging me in every aspect possible. In that time, I found myself and lost some of the people I thought were incredibly important to me; I gained new friends, new insights, new leases on life and I discovered my true potential. I learned to strengthen certain relationships over endless distances with the power of a long distance phone plan and Skype, and I realized that some friendships weren’t quite as strong as I had always believed them to be. I fell in love, fell out of love, fell in lust and found my soul-mate. I created a whole new life and became a new person… all because of that one decision I made to start my career in small town, B.C.

Anyone will tell you that I hate change, but it’s inevitable and I’m slowly learning to accept it. The whirlwind of life that came my way these past few months caught me off guard, wore me down and almost defeated me. BUT, I’m still here, and I’ve decided that there’s no better time to embrace all the changes and make the best of it all. Hence – starting fresh.

So here we go. A fresh start to be the best me possible.

Join me, won’t you?

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