You’ve Got A Friend…

I have a lot of people who I call my ‘friend’, but there’s only a select few who I can honestly call some of my ‘best’ friends.

My favourite friends are the ones I know I can always count on, no.matter.what. They don’t hold judgement on my worst decisions and they embrace my every flaw. They never make harsh demands or absurd requests, and they never put me in agonizingly awkward situations (but for a good laugh, in good fun).

My true friends would never betray me or take a knife to my back. They wouldn’t assume the worst of my actions, they don’t hold negative judgement or angry grudges towards me. Regardless of how many times I make the same bad decisions, they’re there to support me and hold my hand. For every victorious occasion and moment of celebration, they’re behind and beside me, cheering me on. Sometimes, I never even have to drop a hint, for one of them to know that it’s time to offer a shoulder to cry on; they’ll listen to every rant and remark I have, as unbiased as they can.

The reasons I love my ‘best’ of friends are because they’re there for me, just because. They’re not here to tell me what to do or how to do it, they’re not even around to take up all my time. My best friends stick around, because they enjoy me – just the way I am. I bring out the best in them, while they bring out the best in me – and we make each other smile.

Friendships are supposed to be one of the best aspects of your life – and they’re supposed to be fun. You shouldn’t have to worry or fuss about them, and they shouldn’t require constant or crucial maintenance. Regardless of time zones, location, and seemingly impossible distances between people, the strongest friendships should be able to withstand anything.

My best friends are my family; without them, I’d truly be lost. They make me laugh, they inspire me, and I look up to each one of them with nothing but the utmost respect. The select few individuals who I call my ‘favourites’ are uniquely amazing in their own way, but that is exactly why I love them so.

They’ve been there through every heart break, bad mistake, and all the wrong turns I’ve made. They’ve shared all my happiest moments, proudest accomplishments, and they’ve always given me a reason to keep being the best me possible. Not once have I ever felt the need to prove or justify myself to any one of my bona fide friends. I’ve been nothing but myself, and they adore me for it. I know that whatever ridiculous, crazy, unorthodox idea and for every outrageous event that I embark on – they’ll be the first ones to throw me a high-five and without a doubt, they’ll be the ones who will come to my rescue when things go sideways. ‘Cause that’s exactly what friends are for…

Genuine friendships that last for what seems like forever, aren’t found everywhere. They’re something special that life has to offer, so I suggest you treasure the friends you could never live without.

Love your friends, always. Be loyal, be real, and do everything you can, to be nothing but the very best friend you can possibly be.


The ‘Right’ People

“… what I’ve learned over the past few years is that life does have its ups and downs, but its the people in it, that, if they are the right people, lay a foundation for the lows. And as long as you have those people there to pick you back up, each time you fall, and as long as you strive to always help yourself back up, then you will “succeed” – whatever YOUR definition of success may be.”
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Someone sent this to me the other day; it’s so very true.
Surround yourself with the right people. The people who offer a helping hand, help you out, and offer the support you need to get back to where you need to be. Because the inevitable truth is that you will slip and maybe you’ll fall – but if you have the right foundation, you’ll be able to get back up and keep on going.