Well, I turn 26 today.

I’m not happy about it, but I’m not as bummed as I expected I’d be (I have a sort of-fear of getting old). Anyways, 25 was a year of ridiculousness, and I’m hoping the 26th year of my life will be a little more awesome.
I thought about making a list of 26 things I’ve learned in my 26 years of life, but I’ve probably learned 26 lessons in just this week alone and I’m not sure I have enough time to list them in any comprehensible order. Instead, I’m compiling a list of things I know right off the top of my head…
So, if you ever wanted to know a little more about me- here’s 26 facts:
1. I prefer my ‘nickname’ spelt with 1 ‘N’.—> J-E-N.
2. I have a serious sweet tooth. Probably because my mom used to come home from work every day with something yummy to make me smile, and now I’ve always got a serious craving for it and can barely live without sugary sweetness.

3. I dislike eating other people’s leftovers. If it wasn’t on my plate to begin with, if someone else cooked it or touched it to their utensils…I want nothing to do with it. And if it’s been sitting in your fridge since last night, in an old, worn out Tupperware container – gross.
4. I can’t burp on command. I just don’t know how, and it makes me a little sad.
5. My dream car is a steel grey, Honda Accord coupe, with a sunroof, spoiler and black leather seats.
6. I live in Lululemon pants. They’re are incredibly comfortable, they make my butt look good, and they don’t cut circulation off my gigantic quads.
7. I have a really hard time drinking water without flavouring it with Crystal Lite.
8. I’m a sucker for blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair.
(This is probably something I inherited from my mother. She dreams of a beautiful grandchild with these – and other unlikely- features)
9. I don’t really have any desires to have children
(perhaps my “Mommy” gene is a little late to kick in).
I promise to be the best auntie, baby-sitter, god parent, or whatever else – but at the moment, I just don’t want any children of my own.

10. (BUT) If I did have children – I’d name them Mackenzie, Victoria, Oliver, Cole, and Ethan.
11. I have a serious fear of spiders, heights, and anything that causes sparks/loud noises.
12. I didn’t learn/try to pump my own gas until a year (or a year and a half) after I got my driver’s license. I honestly thought my car might explode or catch fire…
(don’t ask)
13. Against my will, I finally learned to do laundry when I was 20 years old. Before that, I used to fill up my bathtub with laundry detergent and swirl my clothes around by hand.
(I’m sad, I know)
14. TV guilty pleasures: Young & the Restless, Teen Mom, Sex and the City.
15. I really want my future home to have secret trap doors, one of those swivelling libraries, and a ‘bat cave’.
16. I am a stickler for a routine and I get really upset when things don’t go according to plan.
17. Celebrity crushes: Michael Buble, Paul Rudd, Gerard Butler, Emma Stone, Emma Watson, Mila Kunis.
18. I can’t stand people who idolize celebrities to the point of wasting endless paycheques on their product lines, P-V-R-ing every episode of their pointless TV shows, following their every tweet, quote, appearance, etc. GET A LIFE.
19. I also can’t stand fake people. Why can’t you just be real, and be yourself? I’d like you much better that way.
19. If you want to take me out for drinks, get ready to buy plenty of tequila shots. That’s it, that’s all.

20. I take the fastest showers, because I need my showers to be scalding hot.
21. That being said, when I buy my home – one of it’s major selling features will be a beautiful, large shower with a rainfall shower head.
22. I am a hopeless, hopeless romantic. I may not seem super girly – but I will write you love letters, go out of my way to perform (sometimes cheesy) acts of lust, and I expect Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet.
23. I have 4 tattoos, plans for a few more, and I desperately want a sleeve (once I figure out a design for it).
24. I can’t stand when people respond to something I say or do with “good girl”. (I am not a 5 year old child with pig tails and a frilly dress)
25. I think (properly done and proportionate) fake breasts are really nice. If I didn’t already have a pair of decent-sized real ones, I’d debate investing in some.
26. I have a really hard time watching sci-fi films and certain action films, just because I know those situations could never happen in real life. I know I should go into it with an open imagination, but I can’t.
There’s plenty more things to know about me; 26 random facts is just a start. You’ll have to find out the rest of my awesome world on your own.
But, on a side note – here’s to 26 more years of becoming a fascinating person, and then 26 more after that. And maybe even 26 more after that…

[Oh, and #27. I have a thing for Pandas; they’ve been one of my favourite animals since elementary school.]