Decisions, choices, ideas, and our actions; they’re the things that create the life we’ve lived and will continue to live.
Sometimes the “right” decision turns into a bad idea. Every so often, a brilliant plan doesn’t work out so well. Good intentions may not always follow through, and impulsive judgement leaves us in an unforeseeable circumstance.
Whether we make the “wrong” decision, the “right” move, or whether we didn’t have a choice to begin with – shit happens.

There are things in life that happen, for better or worse. Whether they were good, bad, happy, sad… what is in the past is history that can’t be unchanged. There are also situations in life, that define who we are. Our talents and our strengths, our biggest weaknesses and so-called flaws are what separate us from one another.
In reality, we should embrace these attributes as life lessons, victorious challenges, unique qualities and common likeness’ that bring us all together. Every single person has a story, but it isn’t always something that we should use for judgement while holding it against them.
Someone once told me, “Who I am… is all that matters”. And he was right.
Forego the bank account, the job title, the family heirlooms, and materialistic worth. Waive the minor hiccups, the bad memories, and the small amounts of baggage.
Take a real good look at the next person you start any sort of relationship with. The truth is, good people don’t always have great track records. But you can try looking for the good in people and love them for that alone. All the other stuff is sometimes… just that: “stuff”.